Not a Game

E-Sports Documentary


Not a Game
E-Sports Documentary


Not a Game
E-Sports Documentary


Not a Game
E-Sports Documentary


Not a Game
E-Sports Documentary



Not a Game
E-Sports Documentary

Not a Game
E-Sports Documentary

Not a Game
E-Sports Documentary

Not a Game
E-Sports Documentary





NOT A GAME is a documentary about League of Legends e-sports team Ad Hoc Gaming and their run for German ESL championship in 2018.

The rookie players try to make a living as e-sport pros at a very young age – jet at a very high cost. They are often sacrificing their academic path as well as friends and family for this particular digital life. Constant high pressure situations and not knowing if their contract gets renewed at the seasons end puts the rookies into a very fragile situation.
I art directed this documentary in close co-operation with the director and dop and created the title design and motion design elements.

This documentary has been produced with friendly assistance of @Ad Hoc Gaming, @Freaks 4U Gaming, @Summoners Inn, @Ad Hoc Best Services, @ESL Germany, @Koelnmesse GmbH, @Gamescom

The film celebrated a successful premiere on – with an average viewer count of 2.200 and a Q&A with the filmmakers and players.

NOT A GAME is a documentary about League of Legends e-sports team Ad Hoc Gaming and their run for German ESL championship in 2018.

The rookie players try to make a living as e-sport pros at a very young age – jet at a very high cost. They are often sacrificing their academic path as well as friends and family for this particular digital life. Constant high pressure situations and not knowing if their contract gets renewed at the seasons end puts the rookies into a very fragile situation. I art directed this documentary in close co-operation with the director and dop and created the title design and motion design elements.

This documentary has been produced with friendly assistance of @Ad Hoc Gaming, @Freaks 4U Gaming, @Summoners Inn, @Ad Hoc Best Services, @ESL Germany, @Koelnmesse GmbH, @Gamescom

The film celebrated a successful premiere on – with an average viewer count of 2.200 and a Q&A with the filmmakers and players.

NOT A GAME is a documentary about League of Legends e-sports team Ad Hoc Gaming and their run for German ESL championship in 2018.

The rookie players try to make a living as e-sport pros at a very young age – jet at a very high cost. They are often sacrificing their academic path as well as friends and family for this particular digital life. Constant high pressure situations and not knowing if their contract gets renewed at the seasons end puts the rookies into a very fragile situation. I art directed this documentary in close co-operation with the director and dop and created the title design and motion design elements.

This documentary has been produced with friendly assistance of @Ad Hoc Gaming, @Freaks 4U Gaming, @Summoners Inn, @Ad Hoc Best Services, @ESL Germany, @Koelnmesse GmbH, @Gamescom

The film celebrated a successful premiere on – with an average viewer count of 2.200 and a Q&A with the filmmakers and players.

NOT A GAME is a documentary about League of Legends e-sports team Ad Hoc Gaming and their run for German ESL championship in 2018.

The rookie players try to make a living as e-sport pros at a very young age – jet at a very high cost. They are often sacrificing their academic path as well as friends and family for this particular digital life. Constant high pressure situations and not knowing if their contract gets renewed at the seasons end puts the rookies into a very fragile situation. I art directed this documentary in close co-operation with the director and dop and created the title design and motion design elements.

This documentary has been produced with friendly assistance of @Ad Hoc Gaming, @Freaks 4U Gaming, @Summoners Inn, @Ad Hoc Best Services, @ESL Germany, @Koelnmesse GmbH, @Gamescom

The film celebrated a successful premiere on – with an average viewer count of 2.200 and a Q&A with the filmmakers and players.

NOT A GAME is a documentary about League of Legends e-sports team Ad Hoc Gaming and their run for German ESL championship in 2018.

The rookie players try to make a living as e-sport pros at a very young age – jet at a very high cost. They are often sacrificing their academic path as well as friends and family for this particular digital life. Constant high pressure situations and not knowing if their contract gets renewed at the seasons end puts the rookies into a very fragile situation.
I art directed this documentary in close co-operation with the director and dop and created the title design and motion design elements.

This documentary has been produced with friendly assistance of @Ad Hoc Gaming, @Freaks 4U Gaming, @Summoners Inn, @Ad Hoc Best Services, @ESL Germany, @Koelnmesse GmbH, @Gamescom

The film celebrated a successful premiere on – with an average viewer count of 2.200 and a Q&A with the filmmakers and players.

Director Katharina Kraft
Producer Maximilian Greil
DOP Christian Neuberger
Editor Elena Schmidt
Art Direction & Motion Design Moril Gnoyke
Sound Design  Max Hartstang + Nils Lauterbach
Music Victoria Hillestadt + Thomas Hoving Kiefer
Colorist Georgina Pretto
E-Sports Team Ad Hoc Gaming (2018)

Director Katharina Kraft
Producer Maximilian Greil
DOP Christian Neuberger
Editor Elena Schmidt
Art Direction & Motion Design Moril Gnoyke
Sound Design  Max Hartstang + Nils Lauterbach
Music Victoria Hillestadt + Thomas Hoving Kiefer
Colorist Georgina Pretto
E-Sports Team Ad Hoc Gaming (2018)

Director Katharina Kraft
Producer Maximilian Greil
DOP Christian Neuberger
Editor Elena Schmidt
Art Direction & Motion
 Moril Gnoyke
Sound Design  Max Hartstang + Nils Lauterbach
Music Victoria Hillestadt + Thomas Hoving Kiefer
Colorist Georgina Pretto
E-Sports Team Ad Hoc Gaming (2018)

Director Katharina Kraft
Producer Maximilian Greil
DOP Christian Neuberger
Editor Elena Schmidt
Art Direction & Motion Design Moril Gnoyke
Sound Design  Max Hartstang + Nils Lauterbach
Music Victoria Hillestadt + Thomas Hoving Kiefer
Colorist Georgina Pretto
E-Sports Team Ad Hoc Gaming (2018)


MOIAMOIA @ Volkswagen – Motion Branding

hvv switchh / Hamburg Public Transporthvv switchh / Hamburg Public Transport – Motion Branding – Motion Branding

PanareaAmerican Apparel – Branded Entertainment

OshizoOshizo – Bike Fashion Branding

Flying RevolutionFlying Steps Documentary – Art Direction + Title & Motion Design

ZeroZeroAlbinism Awareness Spot – Directing + Script and Animation

Portfolio of Moril Gnoyke

Art Direction + Motion Design

Portfolio of Moril Gnoyke
Art Direction + Motion Design

Portfolio of Moril Gnoyke
Art Direction + Motion Design

Portfolio of Moril Gnoyke
Art Direction + Motion Design

Portfolio of Moril Gnoyke
Art Direction + Motion Design





Moril Gnoyke
Lange Reihe 117
20099 Hamburg, Diploma / Film + Media: Motion Design, Bachelor / Communication Design: Visual + Motion Design, Diploma / Film + Media: Motion Design, Bachelor / Communication Design: Visual + Motion Design